Class of 1974

- The purpose of this website
- Privacy Notice
- Setting up your profile
- Missing Classmates
- Communicating with Classmates
- Adding pictures
- Names of Site Pages
Reunion Information
You'll find here basic information about our on-campus reunion over Memorial Day weekend in 2024 and, as we get closer, more and more granular details for the reunion.
Share Your Story
Add information about yourself and your Life After Oberlin by creating (and updating, and updating again) a Profile, so that your friends and other classmates can easily learn about you. Whether or not you are planning to attend the reunion!
94.7%* of our classmates will find that more classmates than they anticipate will want to know what they've been up to (the other 5.3%* assume everyone wants to know, always).
Find Out What Classmates Have Been Up To
Use the Classmate Profiles link in the horizontal navigation bar above and click on a name (then another, then another ...) to see what your friends and other classmates have shared. It's not stalking: you can subscribe through your Edit Profile page to as many Classmate Profiles as you like, to be notified when your selected Profiles are created or updated.
Once we've achieved a critical mass of classmates with (robust!) Profiles, you'll be surprised at how much time one can spend (enjoyably!) clicking through the Class of 1974. Among recent 50th reunion classes, 81%* of Obies with robust Profiles report a greater sense of well-being as a result.
Communicate With Classmates
- You can email other registered classmates through this reunion website, without knowing their personal email address and without revealing your personal email address by using the contact option at the top of each classmate's Profile page (look under the classmate's Main photo in the upper left)
- You will be able to Live Chat with other registered classmates who are on this reunion web site at the same time (look in the upper right corner to see who is logged on)
- You can add comments on the deceased classmate pages listed on the In Memory page (84 of us, so far, alas), and see comments posted there by other classmates
- You can ask questions or make comments to your Under-Qualified Site Administrator by clicking Contact Us, or use the link in the navigation bar on the left
- The reunion committee can communicate with you, via content on this web site and through emails to all registered classmates. (For those of you with spam blocking or email filtering capabilities, please add "noreply@classcreator.net" to your email account as a safe sender in order to ensure you receive email communications from us.)
Remember Classmates
We've lost at least 84 classmates, listed on the In Memory page. Please share memories (photos!) (a link to an obituary?) by clicking on a name. And Contact Us if you know of other classmates who have died but are not on our list.
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Nearly all of the content on this reunion web site is a mix of material that will be visible to anyone who can find it on the world wide web and material that can be restricted to only registered classmates.
In addition, your contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) that you enter when you create your Profile is confidential. It is not visible to classmates, will not be shared or distributed, and will not be sold.
You are the "administrator" with control of the visibility of your Profile: during setup you can choose (in "Profile Visibility") to be seen only by registered classmates or you can choose to be public (in which case friends or family can access your Profile and it will be indexable by search engines). If you choose the more private option (visible only to registered classmates) and wish to test this by searching Google, for example, you should first log out; if you search while you are logged in you will see everything any registered classmate can see.
If you prefer that not even your name appear on this web site, Contact Us. You will receive no more communications from or about the Class of 1974 50th Reunion unless you ask for special arrangements.
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In order to access the pages on this web site that are visible only to registered classmates, you must set up a Profile by providing a minimum of your email address and creating a password.
Unlocking The Site
To set up your profile: click on the Classmate Profiles link in the horizontal navigation bar above and and click on your name. Follow the prompts to create your Profile. Once you've done the bare minimum (email registration + password), the full reunion web site will be available to you. But but but ... consider your classmates!
Your Robust Profile Makes Classmates Happy
Yes, there are a great many fields in the Profile, which can be daunting, especially if you are here to connect with other classmates quickly. In fact, with recent past 50th reunion classes, 103%* report being reluctant to add much to their own Profile, while also being frustrated that more classmates had not added much to their Profiles.
Don't be reluctant ... don't be frustrated ... continue to add to your Profile using the Edit Profile link in the lower left navigation bar. Any time you find yourself on this web site is a good time to add to your Profile; your classmates are counting on you!
We encourage you to add a current picture to your Profile as a Main photo. This photo will be displayed in various areas around the site associated with your name. It's also helpful to upload an additional "Now" photo, and a "Then" photo.
If you don't think that classmates will enjoy seeing how you've changed, click around on the "Now" photos of some of our classmates ... it's a hoot! Whether or not you are planning to attend the reunion. See Section 6 (Adding Pictures To Your Profile) below, for details about handling photos.
If you don't want to create a lengthy (robust!) Profile on your first visit, come back often to the Edit Profile link to add material, again and again. Remember, it is likely that 103%* of our classmates will appreciate it. If (when!) you find yourself wishing that a classmate had shared a more extensive Profile, feel free to send a private "tell me more" message and then go back to edit your own Profile to tell us more.
A Warning About Text Edits
ClassCreator.com tells us that the web site works best with text created on the site; if you draft in another application to cut-and-paste you might encounter a problem. You can do it, but check your work.
From the warnings given to your Under-Qualified Site Administrator: "When you paste content from some applications (Microsoft Word being the worst offender), you'll not only get the content, but a large amount of html code will also paste into your page behind the scenes. Code from Microsoft Word and some other applications can and will frequently "mess up" the formatting on your page. If you wish to use a third party application to write your content, we suggest using something that is code free, such as Notepad for Windows, or TextEdit for Mac."
If you were part of the Class of 1974 but your name is not already on the Classmate Profiles page, Contact Us so that we can fix that.
If you prefer to be called by something other than your official first name (to Oberlin, and perhaps to your mom), we can fix that, too (Contact Us is your friend). We have a Janet and a Christina who are Jan and Tina IRL; we have a Charles and a Kyran who have been Sandy and Casey forever; we even have a Clyde who was a Cook back in the day but is again Clyde. You do you.
If after you create a Profile you change your email address, snail mail address, or phone number, please update your Contact Info so we always have up to date information.
If you forget your password, click on "forgot password" for an email to reset your password. If you have several email accounts and you don't remember the one you used to set-up your account (we understand), Contact Us. This could take a while so please be patient.
If you come across a broken hyper-link, please be a good Obie: Contact Us so we can fix it.
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The "missing" list is solely the names of classmates who don't have Profiles; so until you have a Profile, the site will consider you "missing". Once you create a Profile, you are no longer "missing", congrats!
Also, please note: We need your help to reach EVERY classmate. If you have information about any classmate, listed as "missing" or not listed at all, please Contact Us.
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As in Section 1 above, to contact a classmate, you may simply use the email option at the top left of each classmate's Profile page (located under Main Photo). This feature allows open communication between classmates, while protecting your personal information. If you wish to share your email address or other personal information within a message written on our site, the site will not block you from doing so.
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You don't need to have current pictures on your Profile, but it certainly is a nice way to get to know classmates again. If you also have photos of olden days at Oberlin, so much the better!
If you've already added photos to your Profile without difficulty, congratulations! (You probably also liked to handle punchcards in Severance Hall back in the day.) The rest of you (us!) can scroll down for step-by-steps, and for a hint about an all too common photo frustration using this site and for another hint about using an image from one of the three yearbooks from our olden days.
Step by step:
- Click "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
- Roll your cursor over the Main Photo, Then, Now, or Yearbook photo silhouette
- Click "Select Photo" displayed in the upper right corner of photo, then click the "Upload a New Photo" button.
- Select the desired photo from your hard drive to add the selected photo to your Gallery. You will have an opportunity to crop the photo for a perfect fit, which opportunity you can ignore for a good-enough fit.
- Hint! This part seems simple, but multiple members of the reunion committee got frustrated by selected Gallery photos not showing up on their Profile ... you may need to "select" a Gallery photo more than once until you get a green check mark after selecting.
- Hint!! If there's an image from a Hi-Oh-Hi you'd like to add to your Profile, use the links to the yearbooks from 1974, 1973, and 1972, then scroll through to find a photo you like, then take a screen shot of that yearbook page, then crop the image. (If you know of a simpler way, Contact Us so that your Under-Qualified Site Administrator can update these instructions.)
- If you decide to not display a photo previously posted on your Profile, click again on the image to make the green check mark disappear.
- To add a caption, roll over any image and a Pencil should pop up in the upper right corner; click on the Pencil, then select "Edit Details" to open a screen to enter a caption. Type your caption and don't forget to press save!
- To adjust the display order of your photos, drag and drop them into the positions you prefer.
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If you're ever curious about any link on the site, just click on it! ClassCreator.com promises that there isn't anything on our site that will wreck your computer. Relax! Enjoy!
* 100% of the "statistics" on this page have been made up (but you went to Oberlin, so you knew that)