Welcome to our 50th Reunion web site!
(scroll down for email updates)
photos at the Reunion
(please add your own!)
Be well. Stay Safe. It was a great Reunion!
Please join us for our 50th(!) reunion May 24-27, 2024. Our web site is designed to pique your interest, encourage you to join us on campus next May, and remind you of our joint and individual experiences during our formative years at Oberlin. Whether you intend to attend on campus or not, the heart of this site is the set of Profiles, created by you, to share who you are now, what your life trajectory has been, and your recollections of your time at Oberlin.
Visit the First Time Visitors page (hyperlinked, and in the horizontal navigation bar above) for instructions to create a Profile and about the privacy of your information (Spoiler Alert: your personal information is not shared). Here we encourage you to add more information than less. We especially encourage you to add a recollection or two (or more) of your experiences at Oberlin. Go beyond just the details and share your reminiscences. Please do add photos to your Profile. The process has proven not to be as intuitive as it should be so there are detailed instructions. Use the Contact Us lifeline to ask questions if you have difficulty.
Missing Classmates is not a list of those with whom we’ve lost touch; it’s a list of those who have yet to create a Profile. So add your Profile and get taken off that list.
Under In Memory, we have named 84 classmates (so far) [edit: 94, alas] who have died, including 11 [update: 15] since our last reunion. If you have information about others or information, recollections, and/or photos of deceased classmates on the list, there is a link on each page of each classmate; or Contact Us.
Please also use that Contact Us link to suggest content to add to Our Oberlin 1970-74. There is a 1974 US History / Videos page in the vertical navigation bar to the left to remind you of events of the times, provided by the web site vendor. It’s not distinct to Oberlin, and we can't edit it, unlike Our Oberlin 1970-74.
Let us know about any books, music, etc, created by you so we can have a running list (Contact Us!). We plan to exhibit them in our class meeting space at the Reunion. And bring what you’ve created to the Reunion! We are a prolific bunch.
Note Where Has Obie Gone, an essay “In Search of Oberlin on our 50th Reunion” by our clustermate Dennis Krumholz ’73. It’s an exploration of "what makes Oberlin …Oberlin" or "is the Oberlin of our day still The Oberlin". It’s food for thought.
Again, we welcome you to our 50th Reunion web site and look forward to seeing you next May 24 - 27 (Memorial Day and commencement weekend). Whether you are able to join us then on campus or not, we also look forward to your personal Profiles, with news, reflections, reminiscences, and photos.
Tina Graf, Class President Jan Heininger, Reunion Chair
for the ultimate pre-Reunion email (yada yada yada) click here
for the May 3 (penultimate!) email (classmate snippets! relentless narcissism!!) click here
for the April 6, 2024 email (why do our kids listen to our music?), click here
for the March 6, 2024 email (reasons to be cheerful ... er, attend Reunion, Part One), click here
for the Feb 2, 2024 email (Reunion events, in memory notes, why Chuck Ettelson is special), click here
for the January 2024 email (conversation topic survey + Winter Term notes from 13 classmates), click here
for the December 2023 email update (why attend? + join our ex-officio member, Bob Fuller), click here
for the November 2023 email update (about hotel arrangements, among other things), click here
for the October 2023 email update (Reunion website + call for "relentlessly narcissistic" profiles), here